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Re: www.bmwseries.com

Christopher Griffith wrote:

After being a lurker for the past year and a half, I finally have
something to contribute to the digest.  I am officially announcing the
release of my web site www.bmwmseries.com.  It contains the entire 1999
Hooter's Girls Calendar, some shown refreshing themselves with a cold bottle
of Rolling Rock . . . calm down Duane, I'm only kidding <grin>...

Silly me, I thought you meant you were joking about the Rolling Rock!  I went
to the site looking for the Hooters calendar!  Come on man, there are some
things you just don't joke about!  :-)

Anyway, there's a lot of good info on there.  I'll visit it often.  Good work.

Bill Klingbeil
BMW CCA 160195
