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parking...and out running the cops...addendum!

Well, sorry for the repost, but I want to add some great ideas from other
people too,

I guess I enjoy reading other peoples parking strategies, so I might as
well throw in mine. 

1. Never take two spaces.
2. Never park next to SUVs or trucks.  Because of their height, if they do
hit your door they will miss the molding. 
3. Avoid parking next to coupes because of their larger doors.
4. Never take a contested space (unless you don't worry about keying or are
willing to stand around for a while)
5. If a spot is contested and you feel that it is morally yours and take
it, write down the license plate number of the contesting car.  Perhaps
make it clear that you are doing so.  (Do whatever you want if you car gets
keyed and no, I'm not suggesting vigilante behavior even though I think
it's legal in Texas :)
6. Don't bother parking far away because no matter how far away you park
another car will be next to you when you come back.  (I think it's an alpha
dog thing, but that could just be my ego talking  :)
7. Always try to park at the end of rows as close to the end as possible.
Meaning, no cars parked on one side of you and the other side as far away
from the next car as possible.  The E36 is actually a pretty small car (at
least here in Houston) and you can easily park 3 or 4 feet away from the
next car by parking close to the side without a car next to you.  
8. Don't sweat the dings too much.  Just drive the darn car hard.

For the record, I've had my car for a year now and it has NO dings
whatsoever which is pretty good considering that I don't take special
parking care other than the above and that the car has been through Italy
and the French Mediterannean area...

This advice is worth exactly what you paid for it, good luck,  :)
Steve   BMW CAR

PS I apologize in advance for anyone in the entire world that may have a
problem with anything said or implied in this message.  So, please don't
bother flaming me, but if you really have too, please send it to me directly.
