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JC chips (was chip by mark kibort)

Ok.... this guy has done it..... I'm thinking that he is drinking way too
much alcohol and that his brain cells are dead. not Rolling Rocks though...
(need more sponsorship from them in future)

> Jim,
Someone who knows what they are doing... 

> how does a chip produce 50 hp on a dyno.
where did *HE* claim that????

> I did some hobra tests, so you should appreciate my efforts in the quest
> for HP. why was it , when I went from 13.8 air fuel, to 12.6 air fuel,
the HP gai=> ns > were under 2 hp.

> ERAM, 
Sounds like some new product that he and Intel designed

- -Bikesh-
'95 325iAKBB	(stock!)
