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>I'm surprised surprised with all of the valuable contributions that I
>have added to this digest that I have not yet received my invitation to
>the Bubba circle that I covet.  Sigh, patience is indeed a virtue...


Well, since there are a bunch of ya'll asking about the mysteries of
Bubbadom here in cyber-Bimwadland, lemme tell ya what we is...and kinda
what it ain't...and how ya get there.

Bubbaism started as e-mails between Myself and Michel Potheau over a year
ago.  We are 'like thinkers' (!!HORRORS!!) and Michel coined the phrase in
our e-mail swaps. As we started cracking jokes amongst ourselves about some
of the lunatics on the Digest, we cc:ed a few of our internet cronies (also
on the Digest) who could enjoy a good laugh/crack without getting their
panties in a knot.  Think of it as BMW-Digest, the politically incorrect
'lite' version.

Pretty soon it got damn cumbersone to cc: a whole bunch o' people every
e-mail and an automated e-mail list was set up...known today as THE BUBBA
LIST (which is btw, invite only).  This is kept small on purpose, around 30
of us, and we fire off amongst ourselves about 50 e-mails per day  with an
appropriate mix of Racing, Cars, Sex, Beer, Perversion, Tech Talk, and
Roasting each other.  No Rules - Just a big ole rollicking e-mail party.

Bubbas do PizzaFest. We organize it. It's our 'meeting of the clan' and we
cater to no one's sense of what it should or should not be. No whining
allowed.....ever.  Bubbas help each other out with no monetary compensation
for our efforts .... ever. We've developed into a tight-knit group with
fierce loyalties to the group.....always.

So how do ya get to be a Bubba? Well, first we kinda 'observe' your
responses on the Digest. If you can frequently make us spew our collective
Doritios and beer onto our monitors with sharp, witty posts you *may* be a
candidate.  But you must have the right 'mind-think'.  If you'd rather
change the oil in your BMW on a Friday night than go to HOOTERS - you're
too BMW hard core and not Bubba material.  If you're always worried about
what others think about you, you're not Bubba material.  Most of all, if
you are easily offended then you CERTAINLY are not Bubba material.  Enough
of us notice you (and if you haven't irritated any one Bubba member   too
badly in the past), then you may get an invite. We vote ya in-and can vote
ya out, democratic style. Size is kept small on purpose, so slots don't
come up very often.

Elitist? Yeah mebbbee a little, but not by intent ... but simply having too
much fun to care about appearances. We even have a website :
www.bubbaclub.com that's open to all. 

Duane Collie
SVR / UUC / Bubba # 00002 (Michel is Bubba # 00001)

