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RE: Landshark and OBD-II other than M3's

Luis writes:

> Perhaps everyone is getting this idea from the fact that this is the
> first time that a public announcement has been made to the effect that
> Jim C. software for the 328/528 is readily available, not just promised
> or in works. 

 Actually, Luis.. it was announced in June.. Eurosport has been selling
 it SINCE June.. I think *everyone* blinked or something..

> The Bonneville web site hasn't being updated since March
> and only shows gains and dyno charts for the M3. 

  I don't normally release dyno information on "generic products" because
  the actual numbers for cars X, Y, and Z  differ so much..

  The M3 information was only published to give people a glimpse at 
  the difference "doing it right" makes..

> No one has
> posted anything saying "I just got my 328i sharked and love it!!!" 

  I'll see if Josh can rustle up a list of people who have it..

  I've gotten RAVE reviews from it.. but really don't follow the digest
  to see if they've posted it here..

> So
> everyone just assumes that it's not available yet and are either
> patiently waiting for it (like me) 

  Wait no longer!

> or are switching horses to Dinan.

  Their loss...

