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A/C, clutch woes on <E30>

Not a good weekend: after getting back from Valencia (see earlier post
on drive for the cure), a large spot of oil appeared under my car in the
gararge the next morning. It appears to have come from the A/C's
receiver drier behing the right headlight, then dripped down, finally
making it to the floor. PITA, but not the end of the world. Anyone have
any experience with this type of failure?  TIA

Now the real PITA: after Sunday's autox, the cluch pedal refuses to
return to it's released (up) position, making it somewhat of a challenge
to get home. Anyone out there have a clue on what's involved here?
Clutch slave (or master) cylinder? clutch? pressure plate? Again, TIA
for any experience here.

'87 325 (if it doesn't part itself out before my eyes)
