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Daniel & Mr. Filigenzi,

I heard of the crips shooting a guy wearing red
shirt one time, and the bloods shooting a guy
wearing blue. Better not wear any red or blue
clothing while you drive. Same with displaying any
sports team logos, or any athletic shoe brand.
Also, a BMW was car-jacked in DC suburbs & a woman
was dragged to death trying to save her kid in the
back seat (true & BMW content to boot). Better
stop driving BMWs; they attract attention of
crooks. To be safe, wear a grey Mao suit, sandals,
and drive a tan Sentra; you will be ignored by
gang members (as well as members of the opposite
sex). Good lord, are we citizens of the same
country that used to routinely whip ass in major
wars? Are we too cowardly to flash headlights for
fear of a (maybe) one in a billion chance of being
shot? Surely the average digester, who braves
extorionate insurace premiums and grievous bodily
harm every time he goes to the track protected
only by a helmet (sometimes not even SA rated!) is
made of sterner stuff than this?