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re: Changing to Synthetic Oil

On Mon, 31 Aug 1998, George wrote:

> I have switched to synthetic oil on a couple of BMWs:  '94 325i @ 24Kmi
> (sold @50K), '94 325iC @ 44Kmi (sold@49K).  both ran absolutely fine,
> especially in the winter.  the only difference - they warmed up ALOT faster
> and ran cooler than with "vegetable" oil :)

 I can understand warming up a little faster with regular oil since
there's more friction, but running cooler?  That doesn't make any
sense.  I've switched various BMWs over, and have never noticed either
of those effects.  Can someone confirm or explain the phenomenon
supposedly at work here? 

- --
  John Bolhuis    | These are no ordinary monkeys --
 bolhuijo         | these are mean, spiteful, butt-biting
  @domain.elided   | monkeys with an obvious mission: conquest.
