Re: Head bolts
Subject: Re: Head bolts
From: warrer@domain.elided (Ryon C Warren)
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 09:03:26 -0400
On Thu, 26 Sep, btoski@domain.elided (Bruce Toski) writes-
...Shop suggests replacement to all customers with old bolts still in
head. Pull valve cover and replace ONE AT A TIME...
My question, what is the strength rating (i.e. the number stamped on
the head) of the recommended replacement head bolts. I believe
the head bolts on my '81 528i are stamped 10.8, which if memory
serves correctly is 10,800 psi tensile strength. All this talk of
head bolt failure has me slightly paranoid, and wonder if I should
change to higher strength bolts.
'81 528i
'95 VW Golf