administrivia: list policy about private email, etc.
Subject: administrivia: list policy about private email, etc.
From: richard welty <welty@domain.elided>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 17:39:06 -0400
i've received a few notes recently from list members concerned about the
content of the bmw-digest. i've been terribly swamped, and trying to
catch up on a lot of things; i've got a big backlog of unread digests.
so today, i looked at volume 5, number 240 (which just appeared about 15
minutes ago), and i see two clear problems:
1) public posting of private email
this is a severe violation of network etiquette, and possibly a
copyright violation to boot (the courts have not, so far as i know,
ruled on the exact relationship of copyright law to forums such as
this. what i do know to be the case is that the author of a
conventional letter retains copyright; the recipient owns only
the copy they recieve, with no rights to reproduce it.) please do
not post messages received in private email without permission
from the author. the only exception that exists is the right to
quote public postings to the digest in replies.
2) commercial postings from my320i (aka andrew)
didn't i just outline a policy? (which rod sidney has been pushing
a little too agressively for my tastes, and which my320i is
completely over the edge on)
- --
Not Insane! in '96
George Leroy Tirebiter for President
One Organism: One Vote