BMW (1986) 528e broken head bolts
Subject: BMW (1986) 528e broken head bolts
From: btoski@domain.elided (Bruce Toski)
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 00:09:40 -0700
Alldata technical service bulletin describes how BMW pulled all original
head bolts off shelf and replaced with superior strength bolt. Sister's
car had a bolt break, engine overheated and head cracked. Has anyone
had any success with getting BMW of North America to pay for all or part
of the associated repairs? Out of regular warranty of course.
- --
Bruce Toski
Broward County Vo-Tech Automotive Instructor / Owner - Toski Tech
Preliminary Home page at: http://www.fxn.com/users/b/btoski/
Most familiar with Audi 5000S automobiles and Wankel transportation
Ground support mechanic at Eastern Air Lines - 10 year veteran
Thanks for nothing Frank ... Lorenzo and Borman that is.