
<e30 M3> timing chain noise

I am seeking advice on the title subject. About half the time I start my 90 M3
after it's sat overnight, and particularly when it is nose up on an incline, I
get a hellatious racket which dissappates after about 10 seconds. I am pretty
sure it is the timing chain tensioner pumping up with oil pressure. How does
it work? Is it easily replaceable without taking the "front" of the engine
off? I see it's cylindrical body bolted up to the right side above the AC
compressor.  I am also losing oil from this location. Is it just a matter of
replacing a gasket??  Any help is appreciated as I only have the Bentley
318/325 manual to go from and they do not really address this problem on the
318 motor.  TIA!

Bob Tatterson
90 M3