<E30 >RE: upper rear shock mount
Subject: <E30 >RE: upper rear shock mount
From: jms@domain.elided
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 9:06:12 +0000
From: Joe C Yaeger/WFG FE =20
Date: 9 Sep 96 13:15:15
Subject: E30 upper rear shock mount
Has anyone experienced failure of the rear upper shock mounts on 1987 =20
E30s ?
This particular vehicle has Koni adjustables installed all around. The =20
upper mounts failed after 1 month. A local service person suggested =20
them with the mounts from the 325iC. That done, they also failed after a =20=
couple of months.
Suggestions and experiences are welcome.
I have an 1984 325e and had the original shock mounts disintegrate after =20
9 years of service. I upgraded to boge turbo shocks and struts and =20
installed new hardware front and rear. After about 100 mi, the new rear =20
shock mounts failed. I got a replacement set at a reduced rate and then =20
one failed again. I replaced them both with the 325IC mount and have had =20=
no further trouble. It could be that the shock tower is flexing and =20
causing the mount to be misaligned to the travel of the shock, stressing =20
the mount to destruction.
Jeff Schnellinger (jms@domain.elided) =20
Project Engineer =20
Kistler Instrument Corporation, USA =20