
Posting abbreviations - LONG

Hi gang. Thanks to Stuart Metcalfe for giving me the abbreviations, they are
helpful and amusing. Thought some other guys might like it.
>Hi Darren
>Hope the following helps:-
>AFAIK - "As Far As I Know"
>AKA - "Also Known As"
>ASAP - "As Soon As Possible"
>BTW - "By The Way"
>BRB - "Be Right Back"
>FAQ - "Frequently asked questions"
>FYI - "For Your Information"
>FWIW - "For What It's Worth"
>FUBAR - "F'd Up Beyond All Recognition"
>GD&R - "Grinning, Ducking and Running (After snide remark)"
>IANAL - "I Am Not A Lawyer (But...)"
>IDK - "I don't know"
>IMHO - "In My Humble Opinion"
>IMO - "In My Opinion"
>IYKWIM - "If You Know What I Mean"
>IYKWIMAITYD - "If You Know What I Mean And I Think You Do"
>LOL - "Laughing Out Loud"
>OK - abbreviation of "oll korrect", alteration of "all correct" : al
>OTOH - On The Other Hand
>PITA - "Pain In The Ass"
>PMFJI - "Pardon Me For Jumping In"
>PS - "Post Script"
>TIA - "Thanks In Advance"
>TPTB - "The Powers That Be"
>TTFN - "Ta Ta For Now"
>ROTFL - "Rolling On The Floor Laughing"
>RTFM - "Read The F'N Manual
>SOHF - "Sense Of Humor Failure"
>SWALK - "Sealed With A Loving Kiss"
>WRT - "With Respect To"
>WYSIWYG - "What You See Is What You Get"
>YMMV - "Your Mileage May Vary" (You may not have the same luck I did)
>YWIA - "Your Welcome In Advance"
>AFK = away from keyboard
>BAK = back at keyboard
>BRB = be right back
>WB = welcome back
>GMTA = great minds think alike
>WTG = way to go
>RSI = repetitive strain injury
>:-)     Happy
>(-:     Left Handed/Australian
>:-(     Sad                  
>;-)     Winky               
>#-)     Oh, what a night!  
>=:O     Yelling/Shocked   
>:-|     Frowning         
>~~:-[   Net Flame
>:-$     Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
>:-P     Sticking Out Tongue
>:-@     Screaming/Swearing/Very Angry/About To Be Sick
>:*)     Drunk/Clown
>:-#     Been Smacked In The Mouth/Wears A Brace/Kiss
>R-)     Broken Glasses
>(:-)    Bald
>:-)))   Is Very Fat
>:-{}    Wears Lipstick
>=:-)    A Dickhead
>@:-)    Wears A Turban
>$-)     Yuppie/Just Won A Large Sum Of Money
>:,(     Crying
>:=)     Two Noses
>8:]     Gorilla
>8-)     Wears Glasses
>B:-)    Wears Sun Glasses On Head
>:-T     Keeping A Straight Face/Tight Lipped
>:-y     Said With A Smile
>:-|     Disgusted/Grim/No Expression
>:~-(    Crying/Shed A Tear
>:'-(    Crying
>:~(~~   Crying
>:-Q     A Smoker
>:-!     A Smoker
>%-\     Has A Hangover
>|-o     Bored
>:-X     A Kiss/Lips Are Sealed
>(:-D    Has A Big Mouth
>(:+)    Has A Big Nose
>:-{)    Has A Moustache
>:-*     Just Ate Something Sour/Bitter Taste/Kiss
>[:-)    Is Wearing A Walkman
>(:-)     Bicycle Helmets
>:-)'     Tends To Drool
>=:-)     Punk
>+-:-)    The Pope
>O:-)     An Angel
>*<:-)>   Santa
>o-<:-{{{ Santa
>*<|:-)   Santa/A Clown
>5:-)     Elvis Presley
>:-%      Banker
>:-:      Mutant Smiley
>(-:|:-)  Siamese Twins
>7:-)     Fred Flinstone
>:/7)     Cyrano de Bergerac
>C):-O    A Barbershop Quartet
>3:-o     A Cow
>8:-)     A Pig/A Little Girl
>:\/      A Woodpecker
>]:->     The Devil
>,-)      A One Eyed Winky
>|-(      Lost Contact Lenses
>#:-)     Matted Hair/Fur Hat/Crewcut/Messy Hair
>&:-)     Curly Hair
>C=:-)    A Chef
>@}->--   A Rose
>=|:-)=   Uncle Sam/Abe Loncoln
>7:)      Ronald Reagan
>+<:-|    Monk/Nun
>:_)      A Boxer/Had a Fight/Nose Is Sliding Of Face
>{        A Psycho
>(:I      An Egghead
>b:-)     A Baseball Fan/Has A Cap On
>(-)      Needs A Haircut
>;-(*)    Feels Sick
>*****:-) Marge Simpson
>[:]      A Robot
>:-[      A Vampire/Count Dracula/Pouting/Sarcastic
>:-F      A Bucktoothed Vampire/Has Major Dental Problems
>:=)      Orangutan/Has Two Noses
>:-?      Smokes A Pipe
>:-8(     Condescending
>8-#      Death/Dead
>;^)      Smirking
>:-----}  Liar/Pinnochio
>!-(      Black Eye
>)        Cheshire Cat
>(:-D     Blabber Mouth
>A Schizo *#*!^*&:-) phrenic
>:-'|     Has A Cold/Flu
>:$)      Donald Trump
>:-.)     Marilyn Monroe/Madonna
>:-)  8   Dolly Parton
>:-|:-|   Deja'vu
><*:oDX   A Clown
>C|:-=    Charlie Chaplin
>: .)     Cindy Crawford
> =)      Adolf Hitler
>~:o      A Baby
>===:-D   Don King
>8(:-)    Mickey Mouse/Walt Disney
>(|-|  F  Robocop
>3:*>     Rudolph the Reindeer
>P-)      A Pirate
>%-~      Picasso
>':-)     Has One Eyebrow
>Stuart Metcalfe                               email s.j.metcalfe@domain.elided
>Central Laboratory of the Research Councils   phone +44 (0)1925 603521
>Daresbury Laboratory                          fax   +44 (0)1925 603416
>Cheshire, England, WA4 4AD.                   '95 318iS coupe
RATT-Pac International
5th Floor                                            Tel (27 11) 836 4181
11 Diagonal Street                                   Fax (27 11) 836 0369  
Johannesburg                                         E-mail : darren@domain.elided
2000                            \|/
South Africa                    @ @