
Re: bmw-digest V5 #149

Hello All,

I just agreed to purchase a Henna red1988 BMW M3. Its in really nice shape
but the front spoiler is chipped and the rear bumper has a small blemish
from a parking lot collision. My question is this: Are there any paint
shops in the Northern California/ Sacramento area that have a particularly
good reputation with paint color blending and repairs? I really hate
unmatched paint, and the rest of the car is so pristine that I feel its
worth it to get the rest of the car really nice. Thanks.

I'm also upgrading the wheels and tires. Anyone out there interested in
buying a set used M3 wheels/tires in really good shape? No scratches and
the tires are Dunlop D40 M2s with about 14k miles on them. A friend said
he'd buy them for his 325 convertible, but I don't know what year his car
is and I'd really like to know if they fit before I haul them back to L.A.
Do these wheels fit other BMW's, or are the E30 M3s different offset due
the flares?

Russell Shigeta
CDB Graduate Group

Dept Biological Chemistry
MS1A, The Medical School
University of California at Davis
Davis, Ca 95616

Tel (916) 752 9070
Fax (916) 752 3516