Fog light 3M film cover
Howdy folks,
I have had my fog lights replaced three times. All of the times they cracked
at the sime time. The cause was thermal cracking. On the cold days of the
1996 winter I would start the car, turn the fogs on, and then they would
crack (only on the coldest of the nights).
I assume the film solution might worsen the situation since the film will
insulate the lamp heat inside the lens, thus increasing the thermal stress on
the lens. Somethink to think about.
In order to diagnose the thermal crack problem, sharpen a pensil and guide it
along the crack. If the pensil stops on bump, you know that the crack was
caused by road gravel. If the pensil glides smoothly along the crack , you
have a thermal crack.
PERFORM THE ABOVE SEQUENCE at the dealer if you make a warranty claim.
Hope it helps,
E36 M3