
Montery Historics, How to show you are a Digest Member!!

Sounds like a good plan. Add to this a name/E-Mail Address tag posted
inside the lower left corner of the front windscreen and we'll have a clue
who we all are.
I'll be the (Oh yeah...) guy in the Zinnobar Red E-30 M3. All stock.
Absolutely NO modifications. No chip (yet(Jim C hopefully)) no springs, no
shocks, no nothing.

We'll fix all that soon...
 I'll fly the red flag from the M3's radio flagstaff all weekend long.
See you guys there!

   Loren Luke, SqueezeBox Consulting: Golden Gate Chapter BMW CCA #91000
        1990 M3, Arrest-Me-Red --> www.squeezebox.com/car.html 60,000 Miles
                        1985 325e (Dinanized) 206,000 miles (1.06 Light-seconds)
                                                   ( OO====00=M3=OO )
SqueezeBox does Digital Video Capture & Compression for CD & Web producers