
Re: 325ix Fog Lights

     I'm replying to my own post (I want to be able to turn fog lights on 
     at any time). 
     Thanks to those that let me know about the 'no more than 4 lights on' 
     law that most states (countries?) have on the books. It sounds like a 
     few of the responders found this out first hand. I don't know if New 
     Mexico has this rule. More than likely it does. The law's intent is 
     probably good. But the law should probably be rewritten to read 'no 
     blinding of other drivers.' I'm sure we've all been blinded by a 
     1-eyed car with sack'd-out rear springs. It's just as bad (almost) as 
     'Freddy the 4-Wheeler's' pickup (Don't let my alliteration offend any 
     Freds out there) with 600 rooftop watts of spottin' lights aimed at 
     your face.
     For those of you that can't conceive of a situation where 'fogs' and 
     'highs' would need to be on at the same time, here's one: You're 
     driving down a road late at night. There's very little traffic, no fog 
     or precip., and you're wanting to make some time. For Example: I-10 
     thru West Texas at 2 a.m. going 75 (KPH of course). Many roads, at 
     least in my part of the country, have large grazing mammals that just 
     love to chew that lovely vegetation that abounds on road shoulders. 
     Problem is, animals are known to succumb to the 'grass is greener on 
     the other side' syndrome just like us humans. Comprende amigo? With 
     fogs and highs on at the same time, it's easier to keep a clean hood 
     and meat out of the cockpit! 
     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ? ? ? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
     I'll rephrase my original question: 
     Can anyone tell me how to rewire my '90 325ix so that the fog lights 
     can be turned on when the parking lights are turned on (or any other 
     light combination)? ...and use existing wiring and relays (a.k.a. an 
     elegant solution)?
     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ? ? ? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
         Barry Ritchey