Subject: <E28> HELP HELP
From: fstanley@domain.elided (Fraser Stanley-Jones)
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 1996 22:17:08 -0600
Hello All,
I have a very stubborn problem with my 1983 533I's windshield pump. While
driving to the airport my windshield pump stopped working. Being the
original I went and bought a generic pump at Bumper To Bumper autoparts.
This pump was designed exactly the same except it was of black plastic
instead of the clear type. Since this did not work I thought that the BMW
pump must have a special gizmo inside to work it that the new one did not.
After a trip to the wrecker he found the exact one out of a 535I and showed
me it worked by getting a connection from a battery he had. Placed in the
car (windshield washer tank dry) pulled back lever and it worked fine.
Went to the part store once more for some tubing and windshield washer
fluid, hooked it all up and it does not work.
What I tried,
1. Unplug electricity to pump pull lever windshield wipers activate to
clear non-existent fluid.
2. Hook up voltmeter and I have power going to the end of the power cable.
3. Plug power back into pump nothing works, not even the wipers
4. Look for continuity through pump, checks out good
5. Hook up pump to radio antenna in trunk to check if this will make it
work, nothing, but when I turn off radio the radio stays on, can
not turn off with pump connected.
What is causing me all this grief??? Has anyone seen this problem and fixed
it before??? I would love to here all thoughts on this either on the digest
or personal.
Thanks For Thinking This One Through With ME,
Fraser Stanley-Jones
83 533I (204,000km)
Calgary Alberta