Why they cost much and philosophy
The recent thread about the woman who could not understand why BMW's cost so
much has been interesting. This is my take...(be warned! I'm gonna get deep
here...;^) )
It is my humble opinion that divinity equals perfection (Spinoza, 1634 A.D.)
In our quest for that which is divine, we, as humans, have been given not only
the ability to rationalize, but to sense beauty as a measurement of
perfection. In Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig helps
us see that when we seek perfection of form, we seek QUALITY. Drawing a quick
line now we can connect quality to beauty to a degree or measurement of
perfection (or divinity). That is a quest that many of us live.
Some see beauty in painting, music, or sculpture. Some see it in nature
alone. Some see beauty in the quality of engineering and the resulting quest
for performance to a task. Every human being seeks his or her individual sense
of quality. I see quality in machines. When I drive my car or ride my
motorcycle, or race cars, or race motorcycles, or work on my car or motorcycle,
I do it because by doing so I can sense that quality with all five of my
senses. I assume that because you read this you are gratified by either your
perception of the quality of BMWs, or because you see others look at what you
own as something of quality.
BMW spends money creating this quality, and must, as a business, recover that
money. That is why they cost alot. And if it were not for our demand for this
kind of beauty and our willingness to pay for it, they would not exist.
I doubt if everyone will understand. But if you do, and are put in the
situation of trying to justify it, don't.
Just smile and recall how lucky we are to be able to own these machines.
always rationalizing...