
re: Zymol help

>I just bought a jar of this "Miracle" product at the local Canadian Tire
>store and need some help.  First of all the kit says that "Owner's manual"
>is included.  A little pretentious, but what the heck, I thought.  Then when
>I started to read, all I could find is all the virtues and "History" of the
>product but no instructions.  It says wash the car and apply.  Should the
>applicator pad be wet as with a regular wax?  I tried with dry, and a lot of
>dirt came off from the car (I did wash it before using), but I did not
>notuce a difference in the shine.  How long should it be left on before
>>buffing?    TIA   Dushan R. Divjak

I think you are another unfortunate soul duped by the "Zurtle" Wax product
sold by Turtle Wax out of Chicago and not the real Zymol from Connecticut.
If yours is in a big blue bottle labled "natural liquid Zymol auto polish"
that's the crap version.  My flyer from Zymol on this product has a
paragraph devoted to "offers the most sensational profits...  providing the
highest margins in the auto appearance category.  Now available in a liquid
form, which ocntains all of the quality of the original Zymol paste, for a
fraction of the cost".  What do you think is the most important aspect of
this new product?  Why do you think it is available in WalMart, K-mart,
Sam's Clubs and tire chain stores?  Get the real stuff.
- -Phil Marx   BMWCCA #6021