
I'm the proud new owner of a 2800 CS

Hi everyone,

I've recently become the new owner of a 1970 2800 CS
which looks to be a fun car (and also IMHO a very nice
looking BMW).  This is the first BMW I've owned, but 
definitely not the first I've coveted.

Anyway, it seems that there weren't very many made 
to begin with, and I was wondering if anyone knew
of resources specifically for 2800 CSs.  Also, I'd very
much like to here from other owners about their 
experiences, etc with this particular model; things to
look for, where to find parts, manuals, and how much of the 3.0s, 
Bavaria's, etc. came from the 2800CS, pretty much anything

Well, I hope to here from some of you _and_ to enjoy my new
baby for years to come.


Joshua Coltrane