
links, links, links

thanks for all the links, etc.  as i'm leaving at 7 am tomorrow morning to
go to my 20th high school reunion, i'll not be doing anything significant
until i get back next week (at which point i also need to hook up my new
scanner that just arrived today.)

but if you want to help out the digests, visit the web pages once a day;
there's an ad at the top of each one (as well as ads in the race track
pages, particularly on all the CENDiv pages.)  if you visit more than one
page in the day, i get credit for each visit, but only for the first visit
to a given page in a day.

it's only 3/4 of a cent per visit, but it's better than nothing; it will
help pay for the lists in any case.


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the unofficial SCCA Web Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/scca/
the Race Track Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/tracks/
the NESCCA Pages: http://www.wizvax.net/rwelty/NESCCA/