<track events> We must be careful
After reading about Charles' misadventure and his comments , then John
Browne's and Mike Hood-Douda responses to his experience's I want to add my
$.02 cents ( from a 02 drivers perspective).
I can feel for Charles, losing your car is a horrible thing. To have it
happen first time out hopefully won't stop him from returning. The addage to
go straight off is excellant advise, but can be forgotten during the rush of
the moment. Mike's comments about the 2 Vette's at SIR in the rain reminds me
that rain and drag strip starting grids don't mix. Since SIR repaved the
starting line there have been a number of seriously damaged cars Porsches,
Vette's and BMW's on a rainy track it's downright scary. The one time I
really scared myself in the chicane at SIR I had the presence to go straight,
straight across the grass just missing the tires after failing to make the
turn-in. We must remember to drive within our skills (not to say Charles
wasn't, the corner workers should have had the yellows out) the "red mist"
can be blinding, almost all of us take our street cars to the track and hope
to bring them home the way they went out to the track. In over 2000 miles at
SIR, I been fortunate to only go home on a trailer twice, both mechanical
problems. In this season of many track events all over the country, may we
all go home the same way we got there.
Charles thanks for sharing and good luck with the outcome.
Greg Mierz
Roster Manager
BMWACA Puget Sound
Editor MTecnic Zundfolge
1969 2002Ti (MPOWER)