
Bird Droppings on BMW

I can't speak for the BMW paint, but I have a speedy solution to bird 
dropping and many other deposits on the car.  I always carry a 2 liter 
bottle of seltzer water and paper towels in the trunk of the car.  
Whenever I get bird droppings on the car, I immediately get out the 
seltzer water and flood the stain. It bubbles up the droppings right 
away and then you can gently wipe away the dropping.  On any car, if 
you don't get the bird droppings up as soon as possible, you can 
permanently damage your paint.  I learned about this in 1990 when a 
goose let loose on the hood of my new black Lincoln and a gas station 
attendant came out with a bottle of seltzer.  I have been sharing this 
little gem ever since.  Make sure you get seltzer, not club soda as 
this will often contain sodium.

Good Luck,
Bob Sawyer