02 gas pedal resistance
Subject: 02 gas pedal resistance
From: "jlcl01::mrgate::a1::pappentl"@domain.elided
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 96 19:36:57 EDT
From: NAME: Thomas L Pappenhagen
TEL: (609) 540-3613 <PAPPENTL AT A1 AT JLCL01>
To: "BMW-DIGEST@domain.elided"@ESDS01@MRGATE
victor, check and see if the white circular bushing that goes
between your pedal and the linkage is in good shape. get your
eyes down and look behind the pedal, there is a metal slide which
fits into the channel behind the pedal. there should be a
plastic bushing on this metal slide (anyone know how to better
describe this?). if it's worn through the pedal will appear to
stick when you first push it down.