Re: '74 2002-Headers?
Subject: Re: '74 2002-Headers?
From: THOMAS B EBY <uebyt00@domain.elided>
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 00:58:24 -0800 (PST)
I have a '74 2002, which, with three engine rebuilds has nearly 400,000
miles on it, but unfortunatly, from this last rebuild, I have seem to
produced much more horsepower, a little bit _too_ much for the old exhaust
header. My question is, does any have an old 2002 tii exhaust manifold
around that they could sell me for a reasonble price? The tii one flows
much better than my stock one, has a better life expectancy than
headers, and it is California "Sniffer" passable (since it looks like a
stock one. ;) ). Anyhow, it would be much appreciated if you could sen
d informatin my way of where to obtain a used one. Thanks in advance.
- -tom