
Re: bmw-digest V2 #2

Richard> From: richard welty <welty>
Richard> Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 15:58:48 -0400
Richard> Subject: Re: FREE commercial online access

Richard> The commercial plug for AOL on the bmw list was over the line.  please
Richard> do not do this again.  you have been warned.

Richard> richard
Richard> bmw list administrator

         You know, most on-line services like AOL have netiquette
         policies that they require their customers to follow.
         Violation of these rules are grounds for termination of their
         account.  You could write a friendly letter to AOL and ask
         them to put the clamps on this guy.... 

- --
David J. Young                                              Phone: 602.436.2968
Network/System Administrator                                  FAX: 602.436.2252
Honeywell Commercial Aviation Systems                davidy@domain.elided
21111 N. 19th Ave M/S AZ75-K26E2 Phoenix AZ 85027     #include std.disclaimer.h

            "If you are given a HAMMER to solve problems, after
               a while all problems begin to look like NAILS."