Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 09:47:42 -0600
From: "John Katos" <john_katos@domain.elided>
Subject: RE: alfa-digest V9 #56
You are incorrect, my son's 78 Alfetta has a screw on gas cap, very
than his '84 and '86 GTV6's bayonet gas cap. Fortunately, he has both,
I see nothing wrong with digesters discussing where to get one. If you don't
like it tough, if you get individual message use your delete key, if you get
the digest format just scroll past it. I find your short rant far more
John Katos
West Dundee, IL USA
- -----Original Message-----
You guys with the gas cap are driving me nuts!
The cap on the Alfetta is the same unit, same style, same everything. Some
lock some don't. None of the ones I have lock but just to end this story
send you one for your name and address... Just find a new dead horse to
Thomas Gonnella