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Milano ABS issues

In response to Ben's Milano ABS issues, I would say his ABS pump is not
working.  Between the no pedal and the ABS light on, I would quickly check
the following.  DIs the ABS pump running continuously, i.e. can'thold
pressure, or is it not running at all (no pump noise).  If it is not
running, first thing to do is check the "fusible link" which is near the BAS
pump, near/almost under the coil, has a couple of big wires and a plastic
cover,  under the cover is  the fusible link.  They can look good and be
bad.  If the pump is just running, this is sometimes caused by bad/old brake
fluid.  Change it out and hope for the best.  It can also be a bad pump
(hope not) or bad accumulator (not too expensive to repair).  My guess is
the car wash just got your rotors wet which accentuated  the ABS issues.
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