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Re: badging

In a message dated Thu, 19 Sep 2002 20:42:57 +0000, owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided writes:

> Yesterday, whilst standing in front of my office in Mountain View,
> a black GTV6 drove by (Hope and Evelyn, in case you're on the list).
> Appeared to be an '86 model from the body-color-below-the-rub-strip
> and the wheels.  I noticed that there was a script-style 
> 'Alfa Romeo'
> badge on the hatch, left-hand side.

That was probably George Graves' car.  He lives in MV or Sunnyvale.  Was that you, George?  He has the Alfa Romeo script on his car.  I don't think it's original.

'82 Spider
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