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Spider Fans - ?

OK, so I found that the fuse in the fan relay was blown. It was a 30 amp
fuse, I replaced it with another 30 amp fuse.

My question is, how do I confirm it's fixed? I haven't had time to just
let the car warm up, but I did start the car and turn on the A/C, and
the fans didn't run. Shouldn't the fans be on any time the A/C is

I switched the relay for another one (the one in the upper right of the
fusebox, I'm not sure what it's for but it had the same part number and
was apparently the same) and the fans still didn't run.

Does the fan logic include not turning on immediately after the engine
is started, or is it true that ANY time the A/C is on, the fans should
be running?

If the fans should run any time the A/C is on, then I guess I need to
look a little further.


'93 Spider
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