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greatest sports car etc etc

Am I right ? The GreaT majority of people viewing a sports car of nearly any age will ask : MG ?

Why? Because it is the only sports car they can name.

Similarly, Ray Bradbury is the only "SF" writer anyone knows (even though he has only written fantasy and a long long time ago and while there have been and are truly masterful SF writers out there that dumb journalists never heard of; nevertheless, any time anyone in the media needs an "expert" to interview after a space related news story, they call on Ray. Again, why? Because he is the only "SF" writer they can name except for Jules Verne.

Auto racing? : The Indianapolis 500. Period. Oh, now, finally after all these many years obsessed with balls, NASCAR has been discovered by the media - perfunctory anyway.

(And if one had an MG in the 50s -60s-70s, folks would ask if the engine was in the back.)

This syndrome, if you will, is extremely frustrating. I do not blame Peter for wishing to challenge the "journalist's" notion. I suppose all I really wish to point out is that it will likely do no good whatever to complain or challenge "common" knowledge;" most people, most certainly the media, have the most shallow understanding and knowledge of just about anything. (That 888hole P.J. O'Rouke in a recent ATLANTIC MONTHLY article portrayed sports car drivers as wearing cloth caps, that ancient stereotype built on ignorance and arrogance.) The media and of course the public had never heard of militia groups until after the Oklahoma bombing. The list goes on and on and on and on.

The only thing worse than simple ignorance is an accompanying belief that one is right on top of things. (The great majority of people from 18-35 get their news from Jay Leno et al; this has been true for a long time and is getting worse every year.) You can bet they think they oh so informed.

In case I mislead here, I know that I am terribly ignorant and so try to avoid the above kinds of presumptions. But then there is that relativity factor.

David the Snob

PS If you have listened to even a few "Car Talk"s, you know that a great many people believe that trucks handle better than cars - and believe worse as well. A recent caller was looking for a real kick ass sporty car that was not associated with being a mom, like a Miata.

We are doomed.
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