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California belt consideration

About multi-point belt use in California:  I've had two different police
officers, a couple years apart, tell me that, even though only lap belts are
required on old cars, you have to use whatever belts your car is fitted
with.  For example, my 1967 Giulia Super has lap belts in front that can be
used with or without the shoulder harnesses; period GTVs have the same
setup.  Both officers said I was in violation for not using the shoulder
harness, even though I had the lap belt on.

So if you have a racing harness in a street-use car, I'd think you'd have to
use at least both shoulder pieces, if not the anti-submarine pieces, to be
legal.  As has been said, they're too constrictive for normal street use,
for seeing out the back, adjusting mirrors, reaching the dash switches,
retrieving spilled Big Gulps, and the like.

I have a four-point setup for my GTV for driver's schools and track
sessions, but I install in only for those uses, and leave it out the rest of
the time.

Andrew Watry
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