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R&T Brake figures

I concede my memory failed me on this one. R&T dropped the brake fade test 
from their full road test format as they had not encountered significant 
fade for many years. Why they continue to calculate and print the brake 
swept area is a mystery to me. There is absolutely no correlation that I 
can see between this figure and braking performance. The only possible one 
I could see is fade resistance, which is not a factor in modern cars.

The only rough correlation I have seen in R&T published figures between 
braking distances and another listed item is tire size, brand and model. 
Short stoppers tend to run expensive high performance tires. Hmmmm...



(adding "arrogant" to my list of important personal attributes. I note all 
the postings proving my somewhat in cheek assertion as to the sensitivity 
of Americans about things American, including themselves)
Michael Smith
Calgary, Alberta,Canada
91 Alfa 164L
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