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1) Berlina heater fan 2) Vick(ieBrit) Autosports?

Two topics, as per the header:

1.  I need to replace the heater fan motor in the '73
(or '74) Berlina.  I assume it should use the later
style (used in GTVs from '69 and Spiders from '71, per
at least one of the catalogs I've got handy) fan and
motor, the turbine-style fan, and not the earlier
style with the "propeller."  Yes?

2.  Speaking of catalogs, I recently received my first
catalogue from Vick Autosports, an Alfa parts supplier
in Texas.  It's always fun to get a new car-parts
catalog, but this one looks... familar.  It's a dead
ringer, in type-face, page layout, even line-art
style, for the Victoria British catalogs that I used
to order from when the oil that leaked onto my garage
floor seeped out of cast iron blocks instead of
aluminium sumps.  VB was (and for all I know still is)
in Lenexa, Kansas if memory serves, while Vick
Autosports' address is in Ft. Worth, Texas.  Just a
coincidence, or similar printers?

--Scott Fisher
  Tualatin, Oregon
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