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Brakes: Holes, Grooves, Slots, Solid, Vent(ilat)ed, Aftermarket, Stock

At 6:13 PM -0400 4/7/02, alfa-digest wrote:
>Date: Sun, 07 Apr 2002 09:06:15 -0400
>From: "Joe Garcia" <corsanostra@domain.elided>
>Subject: Brakes: Holes, Grooves, Slots, Solid, Vent(ilat)ed, 
>Aftermarket, Stock
>As I read all of the posts in favor of one sort of brake over another I am
>left wondering this:
>Has *anyone* conducted a test between new OEM brakes and new ___ brakes?
>- -Joe in reasonably sunny SoFla

Well, if I'd been more thorough in an experiment I did last week, I 
could do just that (since I'm going to put aftermarket discs on the 
car this summer).  But alas, in my attempt to discover if my GTV6 
could get its brakes hot enough to boil my ATE Super Blue brake 
fluid, I failed to record how many 85-40 "stops" it took to get to 
the 530F that I recorded when I decided to pull over and let things 
cool off.  But I'll probably have the Shankle cams in the car by the 
time I get around to the aftermarket discs, so the 40-85 time will be 
shorter, and such a repeat experiment with different discs, based on 
the number of "stops" to 530F, would be useless.

Joe Elliott
'82 GTV6 (now with scored rear discs because I didn't have quite 
enough pad left when I set out on afformentioned experiment--D'Oh!!)

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