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Re: Milano -- No spark

Marc, I always use a dwell or duty cycle meter for checking, I've been
burned by a level shift so the pulse never came to zero and I didn't
calibrate the scope first.  So I always use dwell or duty cycle now.  I
don't mean to offend, but are you sure you connected the scope to the
negative post of the coil (guess how I know that one).  The Bosch"008"
ignitors are very reliable, I have never seen one go bad.  After market
engine management companys recommend them.  Neat pieces, takes care of
dwell compensation also.  The coils on the other hand, I have seen lots
of them go bad.  Internal shorts, usually traced to bad plug wires.  When
I worked at  the dealer, the coils were only available with the ignitors
as an assembly, so I striped the good ignitors and saved them.  After
years of keeping them and never having a use for them I finally trashed
them.  Within a year I started working with engine management and could
have used them.  Such is life.

Good Luck

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