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what price glory?

In a message dated 01/09/2002 3:03:38 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
owner-alfa-digest@domain.elided writes:

> Can't they recall that the glories of Alfa Romeo are related to PERFORMANCE
> CARS and not little "me-too" sedans, coupes, and spiders?
> I'm not holding my breath, or saving my money.
A lot of that glory was in the days of hand built super expensive playthings 
for the idle rich, or its unprofitable continuation.  Years when they sold 
almost no units at a fat price (okay, sometimes to nasty dictators).  Real 
success came (and went) with mass production of little sedans, coupes, and 
for spice, some spiders (many for the export market to those stupid Americans 
in retaliation for the Hershey bars).  

Tom, Alfas will be truly competitive in the marketplace when and only when by 
selling enough of them FIAT/GM can actually turn a profit.  They have already 
tried the theory that they will lose some money on each one but hope to make 
it up in volume.


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