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Zach's Alfetta

Zach tells us all about his "interesting" weekend project.  Whilst he was 
hammering away on his Alfetta, what do you suppose the majority of the other 
Seattle (and Portland) area digesti were doing???
Why, we were moving our friend Tessie into her new house, resplendent with 
(almost) three car garage.  Two days - driving rain.  The beer after made it 
fun, and the dinner at Cafe Veloce made it worthwhile.  Henrik J. even came 
up from Portland to stay the night and help out.  (Like sleeping on air, 
right Henrik?)  
She's getting settled and told me that I could announce that everybody is 
welcome to join us at her house for New Years' Eve.   - Come one, come all.

on the edge of Seattle 
(I think Tess is gonna kill me)  8^) 

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