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RE: We're possibly fiddling as Rome burns?

This very methaod of payment using Paypal was used
successfully for the same reason on the Sprite List I
was on. Set up the paypal account and get on with it.

John Holliday

--- Glenn Wasserman <glennwa@domain.elided> wrote:
> We could use PayPal. Perhaps we could convince
> Richard Welty to open a
> PayPal account, and we could all contribute easily.
> For those who haven't done this, it's pretty simple.
> You pay them a
> number of ways (credit card is the easiest) and you
> basically
> electronically transfer the money.
> This way it would go right into RW's account (or
> really, just become a
> check that gets mailed to him). Most credit card
> companies like this
> service and consider it safe.
> Downside to this plan is every contributor who uses
> it needs to sign up,
> but it's easy. Also, no reason at any point that any
> of us couldn't send
> a check directly to Richard.
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