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RE: Milano questions

> I am getting ready to install some better front seats in my Milano.  While
> seats are out, I am going to pull the center console and try to run down
> electrical problem with the seat back adjusters and I need to clean out
> leaves from the heater fan.  I saw someone post about a fire caused by
> My Milano has already had one Car-Be-Que episode from the headlight switch
> melting down. Don't want another.
> Any suggestions for the heater fan cleaning?  I'm going in through the
> of the windshield as well.

The ignitor for the leaves can be found in the form of a resistor in the
heater ducting inside the drivers side footwell.

The normal means of cleaning is to open things up on the ducting on the
drivers side and vacuum it out (you should be able to see the offending
resistor), then go into the box itself.  If you pull the heater motor out of
the box you should be able to get to the ducting on the passenger side,
however if you're pulling the center console out anyhow then it might be
just as easy to take apart the passenger side ducting.



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