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Al, that looks exactly like my setup.  What's your VIN -- mine is AR3025718--
maybe we can narrow this down to a production date range that will confirm
these to be factory installed.  One more thing I noticed on my car -- there is
a clamp/bracket for the A/C hoses spot welded to the driver's fender liner
just aft of the row of relays, and it was definitely there when the factory
paint was applied.  No other hoses use this clamp.  I'd consider this another
indicator that the A/C was installed at the factory.

Tony Sims
'74 GTV

>Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 10:34:29 -0500
>From: "A. Will" <aswill3@domain.elided>
>Subject: GTV A/C and Spider door panels
>In response to the question on the '74 GTV A/C I have posted a photo of my
>A/C compressor in my '74 GTV at the following site:
>I'm the 2nd owner since 1978 and I've always regarded the installation as
>close to factory as one can get.  It's certainly better than what I believe
>the typical dealer is capable of.

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