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Re: Correction regarding Caribou

Sorry to hear you're going through the same mess with
Ed that I finally ended 3 weeks ago.  Well, tried to
end anyway.  I still have yet to see my Credit Card Ed claims Debbie lost the papperwork. 

 Not to burst your bubble but for about 6 weeks
straight I was told by Ed himself that my order was
either A)On the Shipping Doc or B)already shipped. 
When you call to complain, you're given the same
standard "whoah is me....I only make $12 profit.." and
it goes on and on.....Never once is an appology given.
To be honest, I would have waited if someone could
have taken the responsibility as the owner of the
company to provide the truth, but instead all I got
was excuses.  The best one was the final straw when I
was told that UPS "must have lost my order".  So I
follow up with "ok, so what's the tracking number" 
Ed says he's already called and UPS confirmed it's
lost.  My response, "Ok, so what's the tracking
number?"   Ed's come back, "we're a small company, I
only make $12 profit and I don't have a process in
place to track airwaybill #'s."  The bullshit could
have gone on for weeks.   To date, it's been 14 days
since I cancelled my order and I've called 3 times to
have them credit my AMEX card.  I'm done....I'm
turning this one over to AMEX in the am and writing
another letter to the BBB.  Yah, his prices are great,
but the out right dishonesty and lack of customer
service I can surely live without.  I'll gladly take
my business elsewhere.

-87 Spider Grad
--- Wiskas42@domain.elided wrote:
> Hello Group,
> Let me make one clarification.  Caribou does not
> have a penny of my money, 
> just my credit card number.
> However, I'm disappointed, not only in the time it
> is taking to receive my 
> order (since May 22nd), but also the fact that I was
> told by the owner, Ed, 
> on June 16th that the shipment was due in one week
> and my name was 12th on 
> the list.  When I did not receive the top by 9/5, I
> called and spoke to 
> Debbie and was told it would be shipped to me this
> week - the order is in.  I 
> called again a couple of times -- one of those
> times, I spoke directly to Ed 
> and he explained that he really doesn't know when
> his supplier would be 
> shipping tops and when a shipment comes in, he never
> really knows what's in 
> it.  At one point, Ed told me that the shipment was
> due in that same week and 
> I would receive it via 2nd day air - no charge.  I'm
> still waiting.
> The reason why I have not canceled is because the
> information given to me led 
> me to believe that I would get the top within a few
> days each time I called.  
> Nevertheless, Ed assures me that the top would be at
> my house this coming 
> week and I'm very happy to hear that.  I've heard
> nothing but good things 
> about Caribou on this newsgroup and I'm certain that
> Ed will live up to our 
> expectations.
> Thanks, 
> Tony
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