Hal, but I'm sure that you know that a great place to eat today
can change when the cook decides to go or the owner sells. Happens
all the time here on the Tuscan coast and elsewhere we've been.
But as for Alfa destinations, I'd concur that coming when the Mille
Miglia is being held or the Gran Premio Nuvolari which will be in
September is a great time to visit and see some of the nice old cars.
One can also time one's visit with the famous car shows like in Bologna
or elsewhere. One of my favorite visits is to see the Nuvolari cars
when they stop for the night in Rimini and leave the following morning
for the last leg of the race. The Nuvolari will run this year from
16 thru 19 September. Check out the internet for the particulars.
Buon viaggio!
Dan K.
(who works in Italy and lives 3 hours south of Milano)