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RE: Gaskets between head and exhaust manfold

I queried this with the local Club Triumph AO (also a Jag mechanic) when
I first fitted a Stag engine into my Stag. According to him these faces
should be clean and dry when assembled without paste or gaskets . This
horrified me knowing how bad Triumph 4 pot's and 6 pot's are on this

However (and I expect to be shot down in flames for saying this), The
Stag was built to much higher tolerances than earlier engines and those
faces should fit flush together AND SEAL! I believe this is the way a
lot of modern engines are constructed.

I fitted them that way and they were okay.

Richard  Brake

nb definition of an Expert :- an Ex is a "has been" and a spurt is a
"drip under presure"!

No offence intended to our real  Stag experts whom I trust.	

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