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Re:Deep cycle batterie

Harvesters, (Thank you whoever first started using that greeting)
There was a post the other day that I never got around to responding to 
that said this person was considering using a deep cycle battery as his 
car battery.

Won't work. Drawing that many amps off a deep cycle would destroy it and 
it couldn't start most cars anyway. Because they are not deep cycle 
batteries, a Marine-RV or Marine-deep cycle might very well work fine, 
because neither of these kinds of batteries are true deep cycle. They are 
made to start a boat engine which could be the same as starting your 
Scout. They are given the RV or deep cycle part of their name because 
they are supposed to be able to withstand more total discharges when used 
to run lights or whatever. It really is false advertising to stick deep 
cycle on to the name of a battery that puts out 500 CCA or so, and it has 
coused a lot of confusion about what deep cycle really means. I have a 
Johnson made Marine RV battery in my trailer at this time and it is doing 
very well in that application. Besides it was a huge battery with lots of 
reserve power (would put out limited amps for a long time) and only cost 
me $45 bucks, and because of a special friendship, has an 
anytime-time-you-need-it-free-replacement warranty. This is my only 
experience with this type of battery and I know nothing else about them.

Bottom line (both literally and figuratively) You can't start a car with 
a true deep-cycle battery! At least not very many times. You can't run 
your trailer lights until the battery dies and then recharge the battery, 
if you don't have a deep cycle battery. At least not very many times.

John Hofstetter  "Ol'Saline's Web Site" www.goldrush.com/~hofs
Life Member, National Rifle Association     California Rifle and Pistol 
Member, Sierra Macintosh Users Group  Member, MacTwain Macintosh Users 
Charter Member, FRIENDS OF DEATH VALLEY   Member, Blue Ribbon Coalition
Life Member, Association of California School Administrators
Owner of 79 Scout Terra "It's a legend"

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