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Sunroof repair/hedaliner removal?

Hello folks. Since my test msg worked I'm jumping in. I'm a new owner of an 
old 733i. It's a '78 with what is supposed to be an '86 3.5L and 128k miles 
and I am very interested in getting the "little" things repaired so I'll be 
asking many questions over the next months. This is my 3rd BMW and my 2nd 
733i, which is why I bought this one. I was hoping for a 535is but this fell 
into my lap, sort of. I was on the old E21 list several years ago but dropped 
after I no longer owned the car. So, my first questions:

First, how can I remove the headliner without damage so I can repair the 
inoperative sunroof?

Second, where can I find the engine info to verify the year and displacement?

My apologies if this is old ground (i.e. Thread # 6453). I've looked in the 
archives with no luck.

Thanks in advance for any and all help. As I learn more I'll be glad to repay 
in kind!

Steve Berlin
Boulder Creek, CA
