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tii cold start valve controller....bypass it

  By-pass it, with a relay controlled by the solenoid, and powered by a
chosen on/off circuit (I use the parking lights).  That way, when I need
cold start primer, I start my tii (320i, 530i, etc) with the parking lights
on.  When I don't need a cold start primer (engine warm), I start the motor
with the parking lights off.
  It also doubles as a great anti-theft device.  All that for $5.

 Dan Patzer the CyberWrench from BIMMERS ONLY Seattle's exclusive BMW hobby
Providing O.E.M. parts, Independent service & Instruction since 1964
 12724  Marine Drive,  Marysville, Wa. 98271
72' tii touring   K1200LT   85' 732i   R850R
http://www.nwlink.com/~bmrfamly/   425-259-3601
