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Tire Mounting/Balancing & Alignment in the DC Area

Could any list members in the Baltimore/Washington area recommend a shop for 
getting a set of tires mounted/balanced and an alignment for an E34 done for 
a reasonable price?

I bought a set of tires from the Tire Rack, and I called my first choice for 
service (Curry's in Chantilly), but he wants $25/wheel to mount and balance, 
and $90 for an alignment!  That's alot of money to set the front toe.  
Nothing else is adjustable.

Since I'm bringing my own tires, I would imagine that it would be best to go 
to a shop that doesn't sell tires, since they'll want to make me pay for not 
buying tires from them.  So, dealers come to mind.  Any opinions on Tischer? 
  What about Excluservice in Rockville?

Please respond privately.  Thanks in advance,

Ron Buchalski

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